Tuesday, January 31, 2006

God for HARRY, England and St. George!

So there is a huge amount of fluff on the net about Stephen King's review of "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". I am now compelled to add to this. Mr. King allegedly slams J.K. Rowling for overuse of adverbs, e.g.

"Oh, no," said Hermione, stopping abruptly. "Turn back, turn back, I don't want to talk to Moaning Myrtle -"

I haven't read the piece (not being able to afford the subscription to Entertainment Weekly) but it's here.

To his credit, Mr, King reportedly suggested that this habit is 'endearing'. Or maybe he said 'essential' - I can't confirm because I haven't read the review. He might even have added that Ms. Rowling is the biggest selling author in the world because of her facility with tastefully placed adverbs. Not certain about that either.

Anyway, a tip of the titfer to Harry Potter books. Must get round to reading them.



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