Sunday, January 29, 2006

Adverbs, the BOOK

I'm not at all sure why I'm writing this, because as far as I know, no-one reads this blog except me. I haven't seen any traffic stats, so I think it is *all* me. By Steve, for Steve. Anyway, just in case I forget, I wanted to remind myself that there is a new book coming out in May called "Adverbs". This is by Daniel Handler, a grown-up author, who has created a set of short stories, each one titled using ...wait for it... an adverb. Such as "Naturally" or "Particularly".

I am excited - he's putting adverbs onto the top of the literary pile. The publicity will be vast. Maybe he alone can stop the tide of adverbial carnage. Or not. Wait for a review of the book, which I shall undoubtedly read diligently. And avidly. And thoroughly.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Steve,

Today, for the first time, I am seeing an adverb-fan! I am an Indian. I've learnt English from childhood as second language and my engineering course was fully in English medium. But because we don't use it for speaking, I still have problems with grammar and syntax.

I was just searching for blogs about grammar and stumbled upon your blog.

Nice blog and keep writing.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Steve Porridge said...

Hi Anonymous

Thanks for the posting. It's really great to feel that I am not alone. By the way, your English is superb.
Although I pretend to have no agenda, I secretly mourn the passing of adverbs and get grumpy about bad grammar in general. And don't get me started on the subject of so-called "good style". I am thinking of starting another blog to help preserve the truly wonderful and mysterious passive voice. Maybe I'll just do a guest spot in DOTA.

I wish I knew more about grammar myself, but never having learned English formally, I sometimes get tied up in knots. I really appreciate your comments.


5:03 PM  

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